McNamara's Duck. My Dad's friend Tom McNamara was stationed at Inchon. He operated an Army amphibious DUCK. Amphibious DUCK's were used to bring ammo and supplies from the ships in Inchon harbor to shore. From there the ammo was taken to the railhead were it would be checked and loaded onto boxcars to be shipped by rail to the 58TH ORD. AMMO CO. at Sihung near Yongdungp'o Korea just south of the Korean capitol of Seoul. From time to time Mac would write notes on the inside of the box cars to keep in touch.
-----SPECIAL NOTE----- Several years ago my Dad had open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve and a 9" section of the aorta. This was his second operation in 14 years to correct and repair an aorta dissection. This is a very serious operation and not wanting to take anything away from the incredibly skilled surgical team at UPMC headed by Dr. Bartley P. Griffith, to whom I am eternally grateful for saving my Dad's life, but there may have been other factors at work here and I want to relate this story of two old war buddies from Korea.
A few days after the surgery when Dad had stabilized he was moved from the ICU to
CCU. While he was sleeping one day, my Mom, my Sister, my children, Shane and Brigid, and I went up to the hospital
cafeteria to have lunch. When we came back there was a man in the room who we
didn't know, talking with Dad. The room had a brightness about it and Dad seemed
brighter too. The man was Tom McNamara from Cincinnati Ohio. He was in Pittsburgh
for a Christian Men's convention and had a few hours of free time to sight see and
explore the city. He decided with that free time that he would look up his old Korean War buddy. Little did he know at that time that his search would take him to the Cardiac Care Unit of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in the heart of the Oakland section of Pittsburgh. Now anyone who lives in or knows anything about the city of Pittsburgh, knows that this is not an easy city to get around in, but here was Tom McNamara standing in the same hospital room talking with my Dad. I never found out how he got there or how he found out dad was even there, but I'm sure there had to be some divine intervention that brought him to see his old friend. follow Andy Ammo to the next page | HOME | PFC GEORGE E. HENDERSON |ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS | | CROSSING PACIFIC TO KOREA | INCHON | DAE BUH CHANG | | AT THE 58th | LEO THOMAS | GOING HOME ON THE USNS GEN. BLACK | | PROPAGANDA WAR | LINKS | | 58th PX | ![]() T-shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads and more... If you know any one who served in the 58th or have any information, corrections, questions or photos, please send me an e-mail. Don Henderson - Illustration |