Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland
Starting June 19th 1952 - Dad began his Basic Training at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. Eight weeks of Basics, ten weeks of Ordnance Training, eight weeks of Leadership and eight weeks of Cadre.
follow Andy Ammo to the next page | HOME | PFC GEORGE E. HENDERSON | CROSSING PACIFIC | INCHON | McNAMARA | | AT THE 58th | LEO THOMAS | DAE BUH CHANG | R&R IN JAPAN | | 92nd ARMORED FIELD ARTILLERY | 121ST MEDICAL EVAC. HOSPITAL | | THE PROPAGANDA WAR | GOING HOME ON THE USNS GEN. BLACK | LINKS | | 58th PX | T-shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads and more... If you know any one who served in the 58th or ha˜–âny information, corrections, questions or photos, please send me an e-mail. Don Henderson - Illustration |