Here's my Dad at the main gate sign for the 58th.
The 58th Ord. Ammo Co. was located at Sihung near Yongdongp'o South Korea. The 58th had it all, even the prop charges for the Nuclear Cannon. It was rumored to be one of the largest ammo dumps in the world or at least Korea. Something like twelve square miles of stack after stack of ammunition. Tanks, trucks, Jeeps and quad 50's. All types of ammo, plus all the tools needed to wage a modern war. If it was fired at the front, it came through the 58th Ord. Ammo Co.
Part of the area that was the 58th Ord. Ammo Co. had already been an ammñ—Ž|mp when the Japanese occupied Korea during the Second World war. Much of what the Japs had built was still there and put to good use. Much of the ammo was stored outside, but there were also storage bunkers. Dad said being at the 58th was like a job, but the conditions were worse. follow Andy Ammo to the next page | HOME | PFC GEORGE E. HENDERSON | ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS | | CROSSING PACIFIC TO KOREA | INCHON | McNAMARA | | LEO THOMAS | DAE BUH CHANG | R&R IN JAPAN | | 92nd ARMORED FIELD ARTILLERY | 121ST MEDICAL EVAC. HOSPITAL | | THE PROPAGANDA WAR | GOING HOME ON THE USNS GEN. BLACK | LINKS | | 58th PX | T-shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads and more... If you know any one who served in the 58th or have any information, corrections, questions or photos, please send me an e-mail. Don Henderson - Illustration |